Daily Screening Is Still An Expectation
- Please be aware of the ongoing expectation that all students, staff and visitors are expected to each day complete the required provincial government COVID-19 Daily Screener online. It is updated regularly and it is important to see the results at the end to determine if your child should attend school.
Grades 1 to 8 Start for the Full Day, Everyday, on Tuesday September 6th
- There is only Staggered Entry for JK/SK and separate communication was sent to those families.
- Masks are optional and everyone will be welcomed and respected, regardless of their comfort level with masking and risk tolerance when not masking indoors.
- Mask requirements may change at any time based on the advice of public health that direct the policies set by the board.
- We will keep some of the pylons out so Primary students do not play with Intermediate students, but not due to COVID. It isn’t wise to have a 6 yr old grade 1 play soccer with 13 yr old grade 8 :).
- Juniors and Intermediates will be able to mix on the yard and play with their friends outdoors regardless of Cohort.
- Staggered entry and exit will no longer be used.
- Play Equipment such as shared sports balls or Bayblades are allowed on the yard. We will mitigate risk by practicing safe hand hygiene before and after sharing materials.
- We have received our shipment of New Yard Equipment and look forward to getting that onto the yard in September!
Pizza Days
- Pizza Days remain Popular! Nothing changes, but we ask you to submit your pizza day information by the deadlines set out by Mrs. Ullmann so she can process the orders and coordinate with Dominoes in order for them to fulfill the orders.
- Extra-curriculars are back! We are expecting this year to be as normal as possible. We will continue to make any adjustments, if necessary, as directed by the board and public health.
Pick-Up & Drop Off
- There will be no need for any staggered entry for students and every student should be ready to line up by 8:30AM
- Parents are still not able to come onto the property. This will be a policy going forward because even though you are not a stranger to your own child, you are a stranger to another person’s child. For the safety of everyone, only Saint Peter staff members on supervision are the adults that are allowed on property
- Kindergarten is still a direct hand-off and primary teachers prefer a line of sight wave to know that your child is safe to leave the property. Only those you have approved on the teacher’s pick-up list will be able to pick-up your child.
- Smoking is never permitted on school property anywhere in Ontario. Please do not engage in this unlawful activity in any of our parking lots during pick-up and drop-off.
Visitors and Volunteers
- When picking up your child, you are welcome to visit the office and remain in the foyer. We ask that you call ahead so that we can have your child ready for pick up.
- Volunteers are allowed again! We love volunteers. We do require a police check for any regular volunteers in the school. If you would like to Volunteer, please contact Mr. Hunt in the office.
- September 1 P.A. Day
- September 2 Board Holiday
- September 5 Labour Day
- September 6 First Day of School
- October 10 Thanksgiving
- October 19 Tentative School Picture Day
- October 24 P.A. Day
- November 18 P.A. Day (No Extended Day Support Available Through the day)
- November 21 Progress Reports Sent Home
- November 24 Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
- Dec 26 – Jan 6 Christmas Holidays
- January 9 School Resumes
- January 20 P.A. Day
- February 17 Term 1 Report Cards Go Home
- February 20 Family Day
- Feb 22 Ash Wednesday
- March 13 – 17 March Break
- March 31 P.A. Day
- April 7 Good Friday
- April 10 Easter Monday
- April 21 P.A. Day
- May 22 Victoria Day
- June 2 P.A. Day
- June 27 Term 2 Report Cards Go Home
- June 29 Last Day of School
- 8:15 a.m. Outside Supervision Begins
- 8:30 a.m. Bell rings for Morning Classes
- 9:40 a.m. Morning Recess
- 11:15 a.m. Lunch Hour Begins
- 11:35 a.m. Lunch Recess
- 12:15 p.m. Bell rings for Afternoon Classes
- 1:35 p.m. Afternoon Recess
- 3:00 p.m. Dismissal
School Cash Online is a web-based solution that gives parents the ability to pay for student items online. Parents make payments, print or view their receipts and their current account history all in real-time. In almost every case, we are going paperless. Registering for Cash Online is vital to your child’s convenient participation in school activities and excursions.
- Parent Convenience – Make secure payments online anywhere, anytime
- Easy to use – Fill a shopping cart and check out
- Saves time – It takes less than 5 minutes to register
- Secure – Our website is protected and PCI compliant Student Benefits
- Increased communication Automatic email notifications for new field trips or other activities Safety – No need to carry money to school
- Go Green – Reduced need for traditional printed information.
- Parents please register! Here’s how:
- Step 1: Go to this website: https:// wcdsb.schoolcashonline.com
- Step 2: Register by selecting the “Get Started Now” and following the steps
- Step 3: After you receive the confirmation email, please select the ‘click here’ option, sign in and add each of your children to your household account
We encourage any communication to be done electronically when possible. All of our teachers will be using Google Classroom and it will be the preferred method of communication outside of phone calls. Please ensure you are regularly checking your email and have the most up to date email address listed at the office.
Should your child need to leave school property (e.g. appointment, lunch, etc.), please email the classroom teacher and Mrs. Ullmann. (darlene.ullmann@wcdsb.ca) or provide a written note. Texted communication with your child is not sufficient.
Our staff is committed to positive and open communication between school and home. For general inquiries or messages, please contact the office at 519-621-5211. If you have questions, comments or concerns regarding your child’s learning, please contact your child’s teacher. If he/she is unavailable when you call, your call will be returned as soon as possible. If an issue arises, please follow these steps:
Communication Chain:
1. Teacher/Staff → 2. Principal → 3. Supervisory Officer
NOTE: You may contact the Superintendent of Schools or a trustee at any time in the process. They will direct you to follow the steps outlined above.
PLEASE Connect with the classroom educators and agree upon a method of communication that works well for both staff and parents.
As we begin the year, access to the school is once again permitted for guests including parents.
Any one wishing to enter the school must, check in at the office prior to entering the site.
All visitors must sign in and provide a contact number.
NOTE: Should you arrive during a busy arrival or pick up time at the beginning and end of day, you will be asked to return to your vehicle in the parking lot and wait for traffic to clear. It is best to plan your arrival and pick up in advance.
The Education Act states that students must attend school regularly and be punctual. All students are expected to be punctual and to adhere to school hours. Students should make every effort to be present in their classrooms and ready for opening exercises each morning. The purpose of our Board’s Attendance Check Program is to ensure that your child has arrived safely at school. In the event that your child is not able to attend school, please follow the procedures below for EACH day that your child is absent or is late for school:
- Parent/Guardian (not the student) should call the school at 519-621-5211 to report your child(ren)’s absence or that they will be late. Please also provide the reason for their absence or lateness.
- The school’s answering machine is on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Parents / Guardians can call to report student absences / lateness at any time.
- When leaving a message, please leave the following information:
- Child’s First and Last Name
- Teacher’s name
- The date
- Reason for their absence / lateness (i.e. illness, parent approved, appointment, etc.)
When attendance is taken and your child is not at school at 8:35 a.m. or 12:20 p.m., and we have no record of parental contact, we will attempt to contact you. Parents of students who are absent and from whom no call has been recorded are called by a designate as soon as possible. If no one can be reached, the police may have to be contacted.
If your child is arriving later in the day for any reason, please remind your child they must report to the main office to obtain a “late slip” and then proceed to the designated late zone. They must remain there in a physically distant position from the other late children until all the children who have arrived on time have entered their classes. This will prevent cohorts from being compromised and ensure that incidents of late do not turn into incidents of COVID-19 Outbreak.
We will be using disposable “late slips” as a tool we use in the school to communicate between the main office and the classroom teacher informing each other we are aware of the students’ arrival. Persistent tardiness and absenteeism may result in a meeting involving parents/guardians, and/or a school board attendance counsellor. Saint Peter School values regular and punctual attendance. Please make this an important priority.
If you know your child(ren) will be absent for more than 15 days an “Intent to be Absent” form must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian, then submitted to the office. The form is available by request to the office.
All staff and adults working with children have a direct responsibility to report suspected child abuse or neglect. Referrals are made in confidence with the agency and follow specific protocols. Information regarding this can be requested from the principal.
For safety reasons, children are prohibited from bringing any form of medication to school without prior approval from the office. If medication is determined to be necessary, there is a form that must be filled out by parents/guardians to indicate that the medication must be taken during school hours. The medication must be in the original container and clearly labeled with names (child, parent/guardian, doctor), phone numbers and directions. All medications will be stored and administered in the school office. Parents/guardians are asked to contact the school to address individual student needs in this regard. The WCDSB Student Medication form is available from the office or on the school board website.
Please Note: It is assumed that if a child is well enough to come to school, he/she should be able to participate in outdoor recess and physical education ~ unless proper documentation from a physician is provided. We have no scheduled staff members to watch over children inside during recess and lunch breaks.
Sunscreens, and hand sanitizers may be provided by the parent for their own child’s use only. Please label with your child’s name. Teachers do not apply or administer these products, and they cannot be shared with other students.
Some students and staff members experience severe reactions to certain foods or bee stings. Anaphylaxis refers to a collection of symptoms such as breathing difficulties, shock and drop in blood pressure. All are potentially fatal.
- Bee stings and peanut allergies can be very severe for some students. Parents of these students need to make sure that an “Epi-pen” has been registered and supplied to the school office. Students must also carry epi-pens on their persons.
- Saint Peter is a “Nut Free” school. Please do not send any foods that contain nuts or nut by-products.
8:15 – 8:45 a.m. and 2:45 – 3:15 p.m.
The front of the school by the front door is for school busses and school taxis only, so please do not drop off or pick up students there during those times. Staff parking is available at the side of the building. We encourage students to walk to school if they are within walking distance. Parking and student drop off zones are at the back and side of the school. Please drop your child off at the gate and continue on your way so you are not blocking traffic behind you.
CHYM FM 96.7 – Kitchener / Waterloo | CKKW AM 109 – Kitchener / Waterloo | CJOY AM 1460 – Guelph |
It is important to remember that when transportation is cancelled in the morning and you elect to personally drive your child(ren) to school, getting the child(ren) home is also your responsibility. Even if conditions improve, buses will not resume operation.
When transportation is cancelled, the school may remain open to students who can safely walk to school. It is the responsibility of the parents to determine whether it is safe to come to school or not. If you choose to keep your child(ren) at home because of safety, please call the school 519-621-5211, to inform us of your decision.
The emergency inclement weather information requested by the school and provided by the parents will be followed for each child. Parents are requested to also ensure that students know what to do on these days; and to make sure the school has updated emergency information.
Fire drills are held three times in the fall and three times in the spring to ensure that the school can be evacuated in an orderly manner in case of an emergency. When the fire alarm sounds, all persons inside the school must leave the building. Fire regulations require that student’s wear shoes at all times.
- Lockdown procedures are practiced twice a year.
- Weather related emergencies are practiced yearly.
- For school closures please refer to the Waterloo Catholic District School Boards website at www.wcdsb.ca. Click on the “cancellations” button on the Home page.
- In the event of a school evacuation: Avenue Road PS or City of Cambridge buses will be used. Please do not phone the school, as this will congest our emergency phone lines.
- All students will be encouraged and reminded to maintain 2 m of physical distance.
- Students are welcome to wear their mask all day including recess. However, the safest opportunity for your child to take a mask break is when they are engaging in physically distant play outdoors.
- Play in designated areas of the school property. This will be especially important when considering the separate cohorts that will exist in the school.
- Do not play rough, aggressive games. “Play fighting” usually leads to “real fighting”. We will remind students of the ‘Hands Off’ rule.
- Equipment (e.g. balls, skipping ropes, etc.) is not permitted due to potential spread of COVID-19.
- Report any injuries or incidents of harassment or bullying to the teachers or supervisors on duty.
- Teachers will allow access to the building for washrooms and limit the number of students entering at one time.
- Objects such as stones, sand, and snowballs are never to be thrown.
- The use of inappropriate language will not be tolerated.
- Do not take snack foods and/or drinks outside at any time.
- Always play with safety in mind.
- Respect and obey all yard supervision staff.
Also, the use of all equipment and gameplay is a privilege that cannot infringe on another student’s right to a safe environment. Should your child demonstrate that they are not able to maintain physical distance or follow the handwashing guidelines, our staff will redirect them to a more appropriate activity for their maturity level.
Students are discouraged from bringing expensive, breakable, or cherished items to school. Should your child decide to bring items from home, the school cannot be responsible for loss, theft or damage.
The Provincial Safe Schools Act: A Code of Conduct Summary chart for Offenses and Consequences can be found at www.wcdsb.ca (under Safe Schools) go to “Parent Tab” or can be obtained from the Principal.
The Waterloo Catholic District School Board and Saint Peter School support positive student behaviours through the following:
- Direct classroom teaching (Go Zen!, Zones of Regulation, Religion Program, DPA, Nutrition Awareness, Tools for Life Program, Personal Safety Instruction and Prevention,)
- Appropriate behaviour modeling
- Conflict Resolution strategies
- WCDSB Code of Conduct – Board Policy APCO18
- School-wide assemblies and celebrations
- Regular student recognition programs for positive behaviours
- Playground activities and equipment
- Meaningful student involvement in school decision making
- Regular monitoring and tracking of student issues related to safe and secure schools
- Behaviour Safety Plans as appropriate.
The goal of this program is to celebrate student success within the classroom and throughout the school community. Students are publicly and privately congratulated for their personal contributions to the community. Students are openly recognized, and it is during this time that the qualities or actions that have warranted this student’s award are recognized. Announcements will recognize students for their achievements throughout the year.
Lunch hour provides an ideal opportunity for students to have a break from school. We encourage parents, whenever possible to have their children go home for lunch or go to the home of a caregiver. Parents will be asked to indicate their child’s lunch arrangements early in September. Only with an email in advance to Mrs. Ullmann and copied to the classroom teacher will the student have permission to go for lunch.
Students who remain at school for lunch will eat in their classroom and will be supervised by a school staff member. They will be instructed to wash and/or sanitize their hands prior to and following the removal of their mask before eating. Students are encouraged to use quiet voices and show respectable behaviour, including proper table manners. At 11:35 a.m., the students are dismissed from the lunchrooms and spend the remainder of the lunch hour outside on the playground. Adult supervision is provided throughout this time. Please ensure your child(ren) are dressed appropriately for current weather conditions. During inclement weather, students are supervised inside the school. Students who remain at school for lunch are not allowed to leave the school property at any time.
It is important for the children to bring nutritious lunches. We encourage your child to bring food not eaten home, so the contents and quantity can be adjusted to meet your child’s needs. Nutritious snacks are also provided for students throughout the day to help keep students ready for learning.
If a student is on school property, they are expected to move into the main school yard where they can be supervised as soon as possible. There should be no students hanging around the front sidewalk of the school, the parking lot or the bike racks, etc. If they have bought a large drink or something else to eat, they cannot bring it on the yard and should dispose of it. The main message is, “if you are going out for lunch, eat your lunch out and then come back. Do not bring your purchased lunch on school property and expect to eat it here”.
Please remember that, eating lunch at school is a privilege and as such, a student can be removed from the classroom or the yard over the lunch hour for inappropriate conduct and behaviour.
Textbooks, library and other learning materials are assigned to students for use during the year. These items remain the property of the school and students are responsible for exercising proper care. During a pandemic, this means that the items cannot be shared with other classmates and should not be left in common areas where they have the potential to contaminate other students. The school will be providing a learning kit to EACH student to reduce the requirement to share amongst students within a cohort. It is up to the classroom teacher to decide which materials will be allowed to travel between school and home, with an emphasis on reducing the back and forth transmission between home and school. Books are to be returned at the end of the year and students will have to replace any books that are lost, damaged or defaced (graffiti).
The School Board requires an Informed Consent Form be signed by each student or the parent of any child under 18 years of age who will be accessing school computers. The use of the school computers and internet are for educational purposes only. Consequences apply for any misuse. The computer use Policy is posted on WCDSB, the Board’s School website. Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the Bring Your Own Device program.
The WCDSB has a partnership with Dell and STAPLES to make purchasing a device easier. It becomes more affordable and you know the device is compatible with our school network.
- Devices for Families in Need Free learning device/computer offerings for low income families:
Visit our website to learn more about the programs and devices that are available for purchase through STAPLES and Dell
Should your child not be in possession of their own learning device, a shared chromebook will be available to use with the expectation that your child will participate in the disinfection protocol between uses.
At times, for safety reasons, parents/guardians may choose to send a cell phone or other communication device to school with their child. We strongly encourage students not to bring these devices to school unless they have a specific and important school purpose. We also require parents and students to sign an acknowledgement of the expectations around the use of personal devices. If you feel your child is not prepared for this level of responsibility, it is even more likely that they are not ready to bring a device to school. In this case, we have more than enough school based technology options to meet the learning needs of all of our students.
The Waterloo Catholic District School Board supports the use of Wi-Fi in its schools and administrative offices in order to provide connectivity to resources and improve communication. School staff can provide access details on how to access wireless within each building.
All equipment conforms to: Federal Communications Commission (FCC); Information technology equipment safety (60950-1) from Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Canadian Standards Association (CAN/CSA-C22.2) and Commission Electro technique Internationale (IEC).
- Every student is responsible to the Principal for his/her conduct on a school bus – Regulation 40(5).
- Every student must conduct himself/herself so as not to endanger the safety or comfort of themselves or others.
- Every student must sit in their assigned seat by the staff member who is on busy duty. Each day that staff member will ensure the students were in the proper seat prior to the students exiting the bus on arrival, as well as ensuring that they were seated in their proper seat prior to departure. A bus seating log will be retained for 30 days of seating arrangements at all times.
- The driver oversees the bus and all passengers. Students are to obey the driver always while in his/her care.
- Students are to remain seated until the end of the trip.
- Students will be allowed to leave or board the bus only at their regular stop (at school or at home).
- A student will be allowed to ride only the bus assigned to him/her.
- Students in FDK and Grade 1 will not be allowed off the bus unless met by a caretaker. If there is no one at a young student’s stop, the student will be brought back to school.
- The following behaviour on a bus is prohibited always: unnecessary opening of windows, fighting, wrestling, yelling, climbing, throwing articles, eating food or drinking beverages, using obscene or profane language.
- The Board considers parents responsible for the safety and conduct of their children before they are picked up and after they have been discharged from a school bus.
Due to the nature of COVID-19, a traditional lost and found bin cannot be used. However, we recognize the limited capacity of children to care for their materials as they develop this skill over time. As items are turned into the lost and found, they will be placed into quarantine. Once a month, the items that have had adequate quarantine time to render any viral particle inert will be on display. Parents or students are asked to label all articles, clothing (i.e. running shoes, boots, gym clothes, etc.) and school bags. At the end of each term, unclaimed goods are donated to a needy cause.
During the school day, the office is frequently very busy and the telephone lines are in use. Thus, we limit the use of the phone by students to “real need” situations. Please encourage your child to make prior arrangements for after school or social activities. Our expectation is that your child uses a school phone to communicate with you. If your child uses their cell phone to communicate with you without seeking permission from their teacher, it results in a breakdown of trust between the teacher and the student. We want to maintain a positive working relationship between school and home. This is supported by modelling respect and adherence to this policy. It will also help keep your child safe in all situations they will encounter at school.
At times, for safety reasons, parents/guardians may choose to send a cell phone or other communication device to school with their child. It is understood in these cases that these devices must be turned off while students are in class, are outside of the class or in a designated space by the teacher. We strongly encourage students not to bring these devices to school unless they have a specific and important school purpose. In the case of misuse, the device will be turned off and confiscated until a parent or guardian can pick it up from the school office. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen personal technology devices.
Extra-Curriculars will begin again in the Fall. Our staff members are very excited to create these special learning opportunities and privileges to play outside of the normal school day for our students. We hope to continue our tradition of building leadership skills and creativity, awareness of everyone’s ability to positively impact our community and foster personal growth in the areas of teamwork, sportsmanship, citizenship and integrity. Plus, building community and relationships outside of the classroom is a whole lot of fun!
Students are expected to work to the best of their ability, maintain self-regulation and display a sense of pride in their efforts and accomplishments Teachers will maintain close communication with parents/guardians regarding student work expectations and progress.
Attention to outward appearance is an important part of a student’s social development. Students and staff are expected to dress appropriately. Parents are asked to label articles of clothing and school bags with a permanent marker. The following guidelines will be useful when choosing clothes that help promote a positive educational environment:
- clothing with inappropriate writing or pictures is prohibited (including alcohol).
- tops that inappropriately show cleavage.
- tube tops, see through clothing, halter tops, cut-off shirts and clothing exposing midriffs are not permitted.
- skirts and shorts must be of an appropriate and decent length
- avoid cut-off, very short and tight fitting shorts.
- Items that can be perceived as promoting gang affiliations (e.g. red or blue bandanas)
- hats are necessary for sunny or cold weather; students are asked to take them off inside the school or classroom.
- footwear must be secure and safe which means flip flops are discouraged. The heel of the foot and the toes should be secured in the shoe to ensure safety on our stairs.
Consequence: Students who are inappropriately dressed will be reminded of the school dress code and asked to change either by obtaining something else from home or wearing clothing provided as a temporary solution.
Volunteers are discouraged and will not be welcome in the building at this time due to the nature of COVID-19.
Saint Peter School Council usually meets bi-monthly during the school year. The School Council has an advisory role within the school. Its purpose is to improve student achievement, school performance, promote our Catholic Faith, and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents. The School Council is an asset to the school. Throughout the year, School Council organizes a few fundraising events. This money is used to purchase extra learning materials, special items and to sponsor special activities and projects. All parents are invited and encouraged to become involved. School Council meetings are open to all parents at the school and items can be brought to the meeting through any member of the council. School council will be meeting virtually.
Hand hygiene routines will be a priority. The pursuit of a healthy and active lifestyle for all students, parents/guardians, and staff will be a major focus at Saint Peter School. Physical activity will be incorporated into the curriculum every day. Students will not be changing for physical activity, due to the nature of COVID-19. In addition, staff members will consistently refer to the various components of healthy living, for example, nutrition, physical activity, safety, hygiene, and self-esteem. The physical education curriculum will follow the PDEC (physically distant, equipmentless and contactless) guidelines with regards to the equipment and activities that can be conducted during class.
The WCDSB has a Healthy Schools Nutrition Policy, which will be followed by all Saint Peter School staff and the School Council. NOTE: Students must drink WATER during class time and refrain from bringing large caffeinated beverages such as Energy Drinks, Pop or Coffee while learning.
Students must bring their own reusable water bottle, as the bottle filling stations are open, but the fountains are closed.
A week’s supply of non-perishable individual lunch bags will be dropped off to each CLASSROOM, for each student in that room. A daily supply of perishable food items will be dropped off to every CLASSROOM in cooler bags with ice pack filled with enough perishables for each student and remain in CLASSROOM for NO LONGER than a 2 hour window until returned to proper refrigeration, daily
School staff will deliver the correct amount of non-perishable lunch bags to each CLASSROOM. (Weekly)
School staff will deliver cooler bags filled with enough perishables for each student to every CLASSROOM and returned the cooler bag within the 2 hour window. (Daily)
When a student is experiencing symptoms consistent with a possible COVID-19 exposure, the following will occur:
- The classroom teacher will contact the office and the student will come down.
- A staff member from the office will escort the student to our isolation room where we will discuss how they are feeling and gain insight as to what their symptoms might be.
- The student’s temperature will be taken with our contactless thermometer.
- If they are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 (which in some cases can mirror other illnesses), we will be contacting parents to come and pick up the child immediately.
- Parents, please have a “Plan A” and a “Plan B” in place in case your child needs to be picked up during the day.
- When you come to pick up your child, we will be speaking to you about the symptoms that we see and we will in most cases encourage you to take them for a COVID-19 test. You also have the option of, and we will encourage you to, take them to a Health Care Professional (e.g. family doctor, nurse practitioner, walk-in clinic, etc.)
Once you have a Health Care Professional examine your child and determine that it is NOT COVID related, the child may return to school 24 hours after the symptoms subside. Please note that this would likely not be the next day of school.
If the Health Care Professional determines that it is in fact COVID-19, you need to let the school know immediately. We will take the necessary steps to contact public health and work to inform the others necessary, so that they can go get tested as well.
If you choose to not seek the advice of a Health Care Professional, we would ask that you have them self-isolate for 14 days to ensure that no additional symptoms emerge. They are more than welcome to return to school after that time.
This is the process that we will follow in an effort to keep everyone at Saint Peter and in our greater community, safe and healthy.
Students with “Medical Peril” (anaphylaxis, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy etc.) who may require special medication or a special medical procedure will be identified to all staff throughout the school so appropriate actions may be taken in the case of an emergency. All efforts will be made to ensure the safety and health of these students. Please notify the school if there are any new medical concerns with your child.